Web Hosting CouchDB Databases
Web Hosting CouchDB Databases
CouchDB NoSQL document database system offers both a REST API and JavaScript language that enables developers to construct “views” of data. Views add structure back into unstructured and semi-structured information by aggregating, joining, reporting and aggregating documents gathered together into one database document. These views can be created dynamically without altering its underlying data – providing high degree of flexibility with no predetermined schema structure.
CouchDB documents are the fundamental units of data in any database system and contain metadata managed by its database system. Every document field has a unique name and may hold values of various types (text, numbers, Booleans lists etc). There is no set limit on text size or element count when updating documents with add, edit and delete functionality; and these updates adhere to an atomicity model so no partially edited or saved data remains in the file after saving or editing occurs; ACID semantics with lockless and optimistic concurrency control approaches is used when updating documents in this way.
CouchDB stands out as an outstanding NoSQL database because of its bi-directional replication and synchronization, which enables databases to operate offline on mobile devices like smartphones before automatically synching their changes when back online. Furthermore, its design ensures eventual consistency so server cluster failures won’t result in lost data being lost – all achieved through careful and integrated system design including documents, views, security controls, replication strategies and special purpose query languages that make CouchDB so unique among its peers.